RBS and MPs – No to refinancing




Spirit of Shankly today launches direct action against Royal Bank of Scotland and seeks the support of all members and fans in a campaign to force RBS to refuse to refinance the loans taken out by our current owners. We have all seen yesterday’s news, which while making us all angry, is not all that surprising. We have said time and time again, that the level of debt is unsustainable, and lo and behold, the Club’s auditors have said:

These conditions, along with other matters explained in note 1 to the financial statements, indicate the existence of a material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt on the Group’s and parent company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include the adjustments that would result if the Group and parent company were unable to continue as a going concern.

Tom Hicks and George Gillett are not ‘fit and proper’ owners of our club. They never have been and never will be. The problem we face is that RBS deem them to be. RBS need to be made aware, again, that we don’t want Hicks and Gillett anymore, and we don’t want RBS to re-finance the loans and increasing our Club’s debt. The time for action is NOW.

We are asking all fans to write to RBS making clear our opposition to the refinancing and demanding information from RBS as to their current and future intentions relating to their support of the current owners.

Your letter needs to be posted to:

Richard Holliday
Royal Bank of Scotland
135 Bishopsgate

Or an email sent to him at:  [email protected]

We are asking for you to do both – we expect the volume of email traffic will be such that RBS will take immediate action to block and filter so please post a letter and be imaginative but polite with the subject heading of any email – “LFC” or “Liverpool” are quite likely to be filtered out pretty quickly.

We are also asking all members and fans to write to their own Members of Parliament drawing their attention to the fact that as tax payers we are effective majority shareholders within RBS and as such demand that our voices are heard  and that our wishes are heeded and acted upon. Not only are we as supporters of LFC paying the loan repayments for Hicks and Gillett, but as taxpayers who have a controlling stake in RBS, we are paying for the loans that have placed the Club’s existence in jeopardy. Encourage them to raise the issue in Parliament. It’s our money and we don’t want it going to them.

We have drafted letters for use below (or by all means compose your own using moderate and restrained language) to go to the Account Manager at RBS dealing with the re-finance and to your local MP (if you’re not sure of who is your MP then search at http://findyourmp.parliament.uk/)

We have a small window of opportunity now as the refinancing date approaches so please send your letter as soon as possible  – please pass on details of this site and page to anyone you know who supports our aims urging them to write as well.

Sprit of Shankly will be launching press releases all media outlets to highlight this campaign and seeking support across the LFC Supporter’s forums – spread the word!!

Template for the RBS Letter – click here.

Template for the letter to your MP – click here.

(Make sure you save these documents to your PC in order to edit them. Some web browsers will interpret them as “Read Only” if you choose “Open”)

We are keen to track how many letters and emails are sent to RBS – if you take part in our campaign please email [email protected] confirming whether you have sent an email, letter or both and confirming if you are a member or non-member. This will allow us to gauge the success or otherwise of the campaign.

Spirit of Shankly