Season ticket loan – FAQs
Following the launch of the Season Ticket Loan between Spirit Of Shankly and Partners Credit Union, we have received several queries about the same topics. To try and assist, we have reproduced some of them questions and the answers to make you more informed.
Do I need to be a Spirit Of Shankly member to access the loan?
No, you don’t. The loan is exclusive to SOS, but will only require you becoming an Associate Member of the Partners Credit Union, Spirit Of Shankly division. You don’t have to join or pay a membership fee.
What is the interest rate?
The interest rate is 9.8% Per Annum, or 0.8% Per Month, offering greater benefit and no penalty to those who wish to repay their loan quicker.
Is there a minimum payment and how long do I have to pay?
All loans are repayable within 12 months. Any payment arrangements and amounts are between yourself and Partners.
How can I save?
You can save in a number of ways – Standing Orders, using Payment Cards or Paying Money in, making it easier and more accessible for you.
Do I have to save into the SOS Share Account?
Yes.It is a requirement of Credit Unions that those accessing their services are saving regularly. The minimum amount is £2 per week. The other account to save into has no minimum and is for you to use as you see fit.
Do I have to use the money in the SOS Share Account towards a share in supporter investment?
No, you don’t. This money can only be withdrawn once per year, but allows you to save for anything – holidays, European trips, future Season Tickets, and if you wish, a future stake in any supporter investment.
What do SOS receive?
We receive no financial reward or other incentives. We are offering this purely on the basis that it provides an alternative to supporters missing out on Season Tickets or having to use alternative credit methods.