Amendments to the Union constitution – proposal and vote

At the EGM held on Saturday 19th January 2013, the Management Committee of the Liverpool Supporters’ Union (LSU) presented a number of amendments to the Union constitution for the consideration of members. In line with previous practice, approval for these amendments is being sought by means of an online ballot of members. Active members can vote by logging into their Union account. Voting closes 23:59 Monday 18 February 2013.

Areas where the Management Committee are seeking the approval of members to amend the constitution are highlighted in the revised Constitution document. Principally the amendments are as follows:
Rule 2 – Objects of the Union; the objects of the Union remain unchanged, however the Management Committee proposes that they be presented under the headings of “Representation”,”Relationships” & “Benefits”.
Rule 4 – Registered Office; proposed that this be amended in line with the Union’s administrative location.
Rule 5.3 – Membership; proposed to include categories of membership, with detailed guidance to be held in the Union Handbook.
Rule 5.9 – Branches; proposed that the detailed regulations for the operation of Union branches be taken out of the constitution and held in the Union Handbook.
Rule 7.2 – Associate Membership; proposed that this rule be added to the constitution to govern Associate Membership of the Union.
Rule 7.4 – Disciplinary Procedure; proposed that the detailed Disciplinary & Appeals Procedure be taken out of the constitution and held in the Union Handbook
Rule 8.1 – Annual General Meeting; proposed that the date of the meeting be changed to a date within six months of the end of the accounting year in order that an up to date financial report may be presented.
Rule 9.4 – Quorum for General Meetings; proposed that the quorum be amended to 150 or more full members of the Union.
Rule 10 – Amendments to Rules; proposed that amendments to the rules be enacted by means of a 51% majority vote in a quorate ballot.
Rule 11.4 – Management Committee elections; proposed that a minimum of five places on the Management Committee be subject to election at (or by prior ballot to) each AGM & that each Management Committee member serve a term not exceeding three AGMs prior to either retiring or seeking re-election.
Rule 11.5 – Co-optees term of office; proposed that persons co-opted to the Management Committee serve the remaining term of the retired member they replace.
Rule 12.1 – Executive Committee; proposed that an Executive Committee be elected by the Management Committee at the first quorate management Committee meeting following each AGM.
The Management Committee is also seeking the approval of members to make the following amendments to the regulations governing the operation of Branches, as detailed in the Union Handbook:
Rule 3 – Objects; proposed that the Objects of branches be as per those of the Liverpool Supporters’ Union.
Rule 5.2 – Election of Branch Committee; proposed that elections be witnessed & overseen by two members of the Union Management Committee who are not members of the Branch in question.
Rule 5.3 – Branch Committee term of office; proposed that no Branch Committee members serve a term of office exceeding three years without standing down or seeking re-election.
In addition to the above, the Management Committee is requesting that members approve the following amendments to regulations governing Membership, as detailed in the Union Handbook:
Rule 12 – Membership; proposed rules governing Full, Associate, Youth & Child membership.