Hicks And Gillett OUT NOW leaflet

By |2020-05-27T22:01:06+01:00August 22nd, 2009|

Hicks and Gillett OUT NOT leaflet

Tom Hicks and George Gillett, the two men who took ownership of the club back in February 2007, have brought nothing to Liverpool Football Club apart from debt, broken promises, and constant speculation as to the future of the club. The owners continually show a lack of understanding about running a football club and what supporting the club, the team and the manager means to millions of fans throughout the world.

Do we as fans want to see the club standing still, or even worse, being left behind, as other clubs spend millions on players to bolster their squads? Do we want a situation where the main financial priorities each summer are debt and more debt, rather than transfers and contracts? If the answer is no, then it’s time to say no. Time to say no to Hicks and Gillett. Time to stand up for yourself. Time to bring about change. David Moores and Rick Parry didn’t want to do it. But we can. And we will.

Below is a link to the leaflets handed out around Anfield, please print the leaflet and display it in any place you feel necessary, e.g. car windows, house windows etc.

Hicks and Gillett – OUT NOW!

Spirit Of Shankly


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