Hillsborough commemorative CD

20 years ago, 96 men, women and children went to a football match and never returned. In memory of those who lost their lives on that tragic day, the bereaved families, and those who endure the painful memories of that day, music stars from across the city, along with some Liverpool legends, have come together to release a single in their honour.

The famous Kop song “Fields of Anfield Road” has been recorded with an additional verse remembering Hillsborough. It will be released on Monday 6th April 2009, and it is hoped the single can reach the charts ahead of the anniversary. Even if not, it shows the memory of that day will live on, and the 96 will never be forgotten.

The single will be available for download from i-tunes, or can be purchased from HMV in-store, or online.

The release of the single has been supported by Liverpool FC and can be heard on the club’s website at  http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/archivedirs/news/2009/apr/6/N163885090406-0830.htm

To read more about the song or to download the song from 6thApril, please visithttp://www.fieldsofanfieldroad.co.uk/.

To purchase the single online from HMV, please visit http://hmv.com/hmvweb/displayProductDetails.do?ctx=280;-1;-1;-1;-1&sku=960316.

*Please note, whilst the CD can be purchased from LFC Club Shops, only songs downloaded from i-tunes, or purchased from HMV will count towards the official chart position.