SOS helping Liverpool school celebrate award

On Friday 16th October, New Park Primary School in Kensington was awarded the International School Award by the British Council. The award recognises how the school has gone about bringing the wider world into the schoolroom.

On Tuesday 20th October to celebrate this achievement the school will be having a Spanish themed day to teach the children about a different culture whilst also offering a way of rewarding the children whose hard work has enabled them to obtain this award and has seen the school go from special measures to being graded as outstanding in the latest OFSTED inspections.

On the day there will be lessons in Spanish language, culture and dancing. The children will also be invited to wear fancy dress or dress in the colours of the national flag as well as tasting Spanish food at dinner time.

As part of Spirit of Shankly’s contributions to the community we will be helping out with this important day by providing football coaching with a Spanish twist for the children throughout the day.