Champions League final tickets
Champions League final tickets
Yesterday, Thursday 19 May, Spirit of Shankly met with the Club as part of ongoing dialogue over tickets for the Champions League final and allocations in general.
Firstly, we would like to thank the club for being so transparent and walking us through these ticket allocations at such a critical and busy time of the season. None of us wants to discuss such matters when we’ve all got Sunday to look forward to, but we don’t underestimate the level of concern for some of our members.
The club confirmed that they expect more tickets to be released to supporters in the coming days and that the final overall allocation breakdown will be very similar to that in Madrid in 2019.
The current 85% supporter allocation, which includes the general ballot (64%) and those supporters with contracts (21%), will rise further as we approach the final. It was noted that these are rounded numbers and should be considered when looking at the figures. The Club also confirmed that they have contacted UEFA for any additional tickets but we think any more will be unlikely.
We are now going to wait until after the Champions League final when we will meet with the Club again to review the final ticket allocations and continue the conversation regarding how tickets are allocated and sold to supporters.
We thank members for raising their concerns with us.
With regard to UEFA, we are aware that LFC asked for a fairer and greater allocation but no more tickets have been forthcoming and they don’t expect any more to materialise.
During the meeting, ironically, UEFA released a batch of tickets available to those who were initially unsuccessful in their first ballot. This highlights the basic problem: 12,000 UEFA tickets in a free-for-all ballot that should have been shared between fans of the finalists.
It is clear that UEFA are adamant that this is how they want to operate and individual clubs are powerless to change this policy. We will continue to approach UEFA via Football Supporters Europe to lobby for a percentage of these tickets to be included in the finalists’ allocations.
This includes the cost of tickets. We asked that Liverpool support our representations to UEFA to reduce extortionate prices in the future, as we will via Football Supporters Europe.