Speculation on takeover talks
Spirit of Shankly, Liverpool Supporters Union, is aware of recent press speculation regarding the potential future sale of our football club. Whilst we would welcome a change in ownership, we would urge some caution. At the moment this is just press speculation, and until anything appears more solid, then this is no different to any other newspaper speculation. We have found ourselves in this position many times before, with stories appearing regarding the potential sale of Liverpool FC to Dubai and as we know, those deals have not been able to be concluded.
We would welcome a sale of LFC to “fit and proper” owners, true custodians who would look after the values and traditions of our club, and treat it with the respect it deserves. It is worth considering that all new owners, are not always those worthy of holding the “family silver”, so we need to be sure that any new owners do not place us in the same situation as the current ones. January should be a time spent on concluding transfer signings, not having to look into the distance for new owners to save us from the present ones.