Secretary Role
We have a vacancy for a secretary on the Spirit of Shankly management committee (MC).
We’re looking for a passionate volunteer, who is happy to campaign and stand up for football supporters everywhere.
You’ll need to be committed, alongside regular MC meetings, constant work is involved, which, depending on the time of year/season, will change, but averages out around three to four hours a week.
- Manage SOS diary
- Implement calendar – ensure working groups are engaged with and on top of upcoming events
- Schedule and set up MC meetings and invitations
- Take minutes and send to MC, following meetings
- Attend or arrange attendees for various meetings such as GSAG and SB
- Work closely with Supporters Board lead regarding calendar dates
- Liaise with AGM set-up: date, venue, PA
In addition to the above responsibilities, you may be asked to contribute to any matters that arise from members’ queries, as your knowledge/experience dictates and be involved in other working groups.
The number of hours work per week should average three to four, but will fluctuate depending on the time of year/season and increase, especially around AGM and other key events.
This role will suit someone with a high level of administrative/organisation skills, used to working to deadlines.
If you’d like to get involved, have your voice heard and help make a difference, get in touch.
Send a short description of why you want to join and would be a good addition to the
MC by 10 February to [email protected].