Mental Health Research
At the Spirit of Shankly 2019 AGM a motion was passed that we would help where possible with mental health initiatives.
We agreed to work with local organisations and other supporters’ trusts to promote mental health awareness; to demonstrate that it’s okay to not be okay; and to support people to open up about their thoughts, feelings and emotions. The idea is to encourage SOS members and the wider supporter base to seek help from friends, family and services if they are suffering in any way.
In line with this we have been contacted by Christie Reade, a qualified counsellor/psychotherapist and masters student at Liverpool John Moores University.
Christie is writing a research project and is looking to hold phone interviews with male football fans aged between 18 and 45. She wants to discuss the impact, if any, that media and sports personalities’ engagement with issues surrounding mental health – anxiety, depression, addiction – has had on their own attitude to seeking help and that of their male friends and family members.
If you are interested in participating, please email Christie directly at [email protected]
Further information, see also attached interview invitation link below (Mental Health Study)
The purpose of the study will be explained in more detail and you will be given an opportunity for questions and clarification.
You will be asked to fill in a consent form.
A phone call will be arranged for a time and date convenient to you.
The interview will be audio recorded. The recording will be kept on LJMU’s secure storage facility and destroyed after the study. In the final write-up, all participants will be anonymised (pseudonyms will be used) and no identifying details included.
Participants must
Be male football fans aged between 18 and 45
No exclusions will be made based on sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnic origin, nationality, first language or disabilities.
Mental Health Study