A Statement
Spirit of Shankly are in constant dialogue with the club regarding all issues that affect supporters.
Regarding flags in the stadium relating to Israel or Palestine, we understand the club have followed the Premier League policy of banning them to avoid incidents in the ground.
Our members have expressed a range of opinions about this in correspondence with us, from supporting a neutral stance to pro-Palestine to pro-Israel.
We are a club with a global supporter base. It is clear from requests we have received for support that we have fans on both sides of the conflict, both of whom have been affected by the war.
We regard ourselves as a campaigning organisation; a union run by volunteers whose primary focus is to ensure a fair deal for supporters and to hold the club to account on matters affecting members.
While we have received some criticism and abuse online, there has not been a groundswell of complaints from our members regarding the Premier League’s flag policy.
There have also been a multitude of opinions expressed: some want flags on display; some see the match as an escape from the war.
We are not aligned to any political party or nation state. We sympathise with all caught up in conflict wherever it is in the world. However, we do not have the leverage to influence decision-makers who decide that war is the best solution to differences in opinion and outlook.
We stand in solidarity with all our members whatever their faith.
We will continue to keep a dialogue open with the club on this issue, and incidents where stewarding or decision-making crosses the line or is heavy-handed will continue to be challenged by Spirit of Shankly.
Like everyone, we are appalled by the deaths in the Israel-Hamas war and pray for a swift end to the conflict.