AGM Motions 2021

AGM Part 2 - SOS Motions As part of the preparation for the AGM on 27 November, we present the substantive motions to be voted on by our membership. Click here or the image below to read the AGM Motions presentation. Details of how to vote will be published here in due course. For more details on Spirit of Shankly's 2021 AGM Part 2 click here. Join Renew Donate Back to Latest News >> [...]

By |2022-08-17T13:14:58+01:00October 28th, 2021|

SOS AGM 2021 follow up

AGM, Part One, Follow-up On behalf of the Spirit of Shankly Management Committee, I'd like to thank those members who were able to make the meeting in person and those who joined online yesterday, Saturday 18 September. The slides we used at the meeting to help illustrate what SOS have been up to are linked below. Remember, part two of our 2021 AGM is scheduled to take place on 27 November. We will finalise the time and location once information and kick-off time for the home fixture against Southampton for that day is confirmed. Regards [...]

By |2022-08-17T13:01:21+01:00September 19th, 2021|

SOS AGM 2021

AGM Part 1 Saturday 18 Sept 2021 Spirit of Shankly will hold the first part of their AGM on Saturday 18 September, ahead of the home game against Crystal Palace. This year’s AGM is in two parts as we have been unable to meet over the past 18 months due to the pandemic. The initial meeting is to be held at The Liverpool Lighthouse Oakfield Road L4 0UF Time: 11am-1pm Light refreshments will be available from 10.30am AGENDA Chair’s Address Update on negotiations with LFC regarding Supporter Engagement and the establishment of a Supporters Board [...]

By |2022-03-30T12:47:58+01:00September 8th, 2021|

Government fan-led review

Government fan-led review Spirit of Shankly presented evidence to the Government Fan Led Review Panel chaired by Tracey Crouch MP on Monday 14th June. We took questions on good governance in football during an encouraging conversation. Click on the image below to view our presentation. Join Renew Donate Back to Latest News >>

By |2022-08-17T13:02:07+01:00June 17th, 2021|

Result of members ballot

Result of members ballot Thank you to all the SOS members who took the time to vote in our recent ballot. The membership were asked to vote on the recommendation to continue to work with LFC to set up contractual recognition of SOS, and establish a Supporters Board. The result was an overwhelming yes, with 99.44% of members in favour. We had a turnout of 68.39% in total, 0.46% voted against and 0.10% abstained. This firm mandate means we will now step up our work with LFC. Alongside supporters from other representative groups, we will [...]

By |2022-08-17T13:02:31+01:00June 16th, 2021|

Members presentation Q&A

Members presentation Q&A These are the questions, and answers, received before, during and after the SOS members meeting on Tuesday 1 June 2021. Some were answered ‘live’ on the night, the others we are working through. We will continue to update this list over the next few days. Representation / Supporters Board In what format will the Supporters Board be set up: how many members, when and how often will they meet, will the meetings be instigated only as and when there are major issues to be raised and discussed? SOS: These are still details [...]

By |2022-03-30T12:47:58+01:00June 3rd, 2021|

Presentation to SOS Membership

Presentation to SOS Membership Spirit of Shankly held an online meeting on Tuesday 1 June 2021 to update members on the recent talks with LFC and the four requests made of the club. Members had the opportunity to ask questions and voice their opinions ahead of a members vote with regards to the establishment of: • Contractual recognition between SOS and LFC • Amendment of LFC Articles of Association to include the setting up of a Supporters Board with the power to ratify strategic decisions and embed supporter engagement legally Thanks to everyone who attended [...]

By |2022-03-30T12:47:58+01:00June 2nd, 2021|

Agreement reached after talks with LFC

Agreement reached after talks with LFC Spirit of Shankly met with representatives of Liverpool FC’s board on Tuesday 18 May 2021 to continue talks on the union’s four requests. We can now report the outcome – to be ratified by members. A Supporters Board is to be established and written into the club’s regulations making it a legally binding agreement. SOS will be head of this board. ≠ There will be a formal recognition agreement between SOS and LFC. This will become part of the club’s constitution so that if / when the ownership changes, this [...]

By |2022-03-30T12:47:58+01:00May 20th, 2021|

European Super League: Government fan-led review

European Super League: Government fan-led review Opposition to the European Super League stunt that dropped at the end of April, has been pretty universal with politicians, across political parties and divides, joining fans in their condemnation. The government has promised a fan-led review of football governance and we must not allow this opportunity to pass. So often, such ‘reviews’ fade away after the initial fanfare never to be heard of again. We must not let this happen this time. Next week MPs will vote on amendments to the Queen’s Speech. One amendment: ‘Football Is Nothing [...]

By |2022-08-17T13:03:03+01:00May 14th, 2021|

Update on discussions held with LFC

Update on discussions held with LFC Spirit of Shankly representatives have met with Liverpool FC’s hierarchy this week to continue discussions surrounding the four-request mandate from our membership. Dialogue remains constructive and positive, and we now await detail and concrete answers. We are set to meet again on Tuesday 18 May 2021. In the short-term, we will update members further once we have a response. We will then look to update our membership fully, hopefully before 23 May, to discuss the detail and next steps. Thank you for your continued support. [...]

By |2022-08-17T13:12:43+01:00May 13th, 2021|


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