Latest news
West Ham United – Leafletting
Following on from the agreement at last Saturday's EGM, Spirit Of Shankly is asking for volunteers to assist with the distribution of leaflets amongst fans at this weekend's away game at West Ham United.
Spirit of Shankly meeting with Christian Purslow
Representatives of the Spirit of Shankly met with Christian Purslow at Anfield last night prior to the Debrecen Champions’ League match.
Interview with John Wheate
Spirit Of Shankly, the Liverpool Supporters' Union, has recently interviewed John Wheate, the lawyer who acted for Michael Shields during his ongoing campaign to be freed from incarceration.
Statement from Karen Gill
This year is a very important year. It's exactly half a century since my granddad came to Anfield and the massive success story of Liverpool Football Club began.
EGM outcome and meeting with Christian Purslow
The Spirit of Shankly Supporters' Union met at The Olympia on Saturday to allow the Management Committee to launch its proposed direct action campaign to see the American "owners" removed from the Club.
Steven Cohen
The Spirit of Shankly welcomes the ending of Steven Cohen’s World Soccer Daily internet radio show and his replacement on the Fox Football Phone-In programme.
Hicks And Gillett OUT NOW leaflet
Tom Hicks and George Gillett, the two men who took ownership of the club back in February 2007, have brought nothing to Liverpool Football Club apart from debt, broken promises, and constant speculation as to the future of the club.
Our need for change
Tomorrow night is important for Liverpool fans. On the pitch we want to see a victory in the season's first home game. Off the pitch, the situation remains as bleak as ever.
Spirit of Shankly – An American history
Spirit Of Shankly, the Liverpool Supporters Union, has recently been in discussion with ShareLiverpool regarding the opportunity for fan ownership of Liverpool Football Club.
Postponement of planned action
Spirit Of Shankly notes that at the recent EGM held on Saturday 11th July, it was agreed that a protest against the owners would take place at the forthcoming Atletico Madrid game at Anfield on Saturday 8th August.
ShareLiverpool Proposal – Supported by SOS
Spirit Of Shankly, the Liverpool Supporters Union, has recently been in discussion with ShareLiverpool regarding the opportunity for fan ownership of Liverpool Football Club.
Free Michael Shields campaign – Action required
Following yesterdays shock news from Jack Straw that he will not be granting a pardon to innocent Liverpool fan Michael Shields the following events have been organised by the Free Michael Shields Campaign.
RBS – Spirit of Shankly response
The Spirit of Shankly have responded to the RBS email received by members following our recent letter and email campaign.
Thomas Cook meeting
On Tuesday 26th May 2009 SOS representatives met with Thomas Cook to discuss any common ground over the cost and arrangements of travel for Liverpool fans.
Direct action – Member input
Spirit Of Shankly, the Liverpool Supporters Union, is currently looking at different methods of appropriate action that can be taken, against Tom Hicks, George Gillett, or those involved in the financing of their ownership of Liverpool Football Club.
Latest news
West Ham United – Leafletting
Following on from the agreement at last Saturday's EGM, Spirit Of Shankly is asking for volunteers to assist with the distribution of leaflets amongst fans at this weekend's away game at West Ham United.
Spirit of Shankly meeting with Christian Purslow
Representatives of the Spirit of Shankly met with Christian Purslow at Anfield last night prior to the Debrecen Champions’ League match.
Interview with John Wheate
Spirit Of Shankly, the Liverpool Supporters' Union, has recently interviewed John Wheate, the lawyer who acted for Michael Shields during his ongoing campaign to be freed from incarceration.
Statement from Karen Gill
This year is a very important year. It's exactly half a century since my granddad came to Anfield and the massive success story of Liverpool Football Club began.
EGM outcome and meeting with Christian Purslow
The Spirit of Shankly Supporters' Union met at The Olympia on Saturday to allow the Management Committee to launch its proposed direct action campaign to see the American "owners" removed from the Club.
Steven Cohen
The Spirit of Shankly welcomes the ending of Steven Cohen’s World Soccer Daily internet radio show and his replacement on the Fox Football Phone-In programme.
Hicks And Gillett OUT NOW leaflet
Tom Hicks and George Gillett, the two men who took ownership of the club back in February 2007, have brought nothing to Liverpool Football Club apart from debt, broken promises, and constant speculation as to the future of the club.
Our need for change
Tomorrow night is important for Liverpool fans. On the pitch we want to see a victory in the season's first home game. Off the pitch, the situation remains as bleak as ever.
Spirit of Shankly – An American history
Spirit Of Shankly, the Liverpool Supporters Union, has recently been in discussion with ShareLiverpool regarding the opportunity for fan ownership of Liverpool Football Club.
Postponement of planned action
Spirit Of Shankly notes that at the recent EGM held on Saturday 11th July, it was agreed that a protest against the owners would take place at the forthcoming Atletico Madrid game at Anfield on Saturday 8th August.
ShareLiverpool Proposal – Supported by SOS
Spirit Of Shankly, the Liverpool Supporters Union, has recently been in discussion with ShareLiverpool regarding the opportunity for fan ownership of Liverpool Football Club.
Free Michael Shields campaign – Action required
Following yesterdays shock news from Jack Straw that he will not be granting a pardon to innocent Liverpool fan Michael Shields the following events have been organised by the Free Michael Shields Campaign.
RBS – Spirit of Shankly response
The Spirit of Shankly have responded to the RBS email received by members following our recent letter and email campaign.
Thomas Cook meeting
On Tuesday 26th May 2009 SOS representatives met with Thomas Cook to discuss any common ground over the cost and arrangements of travel for Liverpool fans.
Direct action – Member input
Spirit Of Shankly, the Liverpool Supporters Union, is currently looking at different methods of appropriate action that can be taken, against Tom Hicks, George Gillett, or those involved in the financing of their ownership of Liverpool Football Club.